• Choose up to 5 competitors
  • Compare prices for up to 20 menu items
  • Set competitors and menu comparisons across multiple locations in one step
  • Receive a menu price comparison and competitor promotions report weekly by email and in-app
  • Get notified when a competitor introduces a new menu item
  • Set proactive alerts for price or menu changes
  • Compare competitor review activity and scores, and monitor their marketplace ranking
  • Two Marketplaces: Uber Eats and GrubHub
  • Unlimited restaurant locations
Easily compare your prices to competitors' on 3rd party delivery marketplaces.
Save Time

Say goodbye to the tedious task of manually searching through each competitor's menu items for every store location and recording their prices in Excel. With Compete, you replace time-consuming data collection to leveraging automated competitive insights, allowing you to focus on making strategic pricing decisions that drive your business forward.

Always Stay Ahead

Some restaurants don't find out about new items from competitors or price changes for months. Avoid the scramble and stress of reacting too late. Compete delivers up-to-date pricing information straight to your inbox or our easy-to-use dashboard, ensuring you're always in the know and never caught off guard by unexpected price shifts.

Level the Playing Field

Selling on multiple marketplaces has made life extremely complicated for restaurants. Easily see how your competition is pricing their menu items across different marketplaces, and make sure your own pricing strategy is exactly how it should be.

Compete Enterprise

The most powerful hyper-local competitive intelligence solution available

Ask us for a quote
Compete Enterprise

Compete Enterprise can easily compare, track and report on menu price competitiveness across hundreds or thousands of locations on the actual restaurant websites. It also uses AI to break down competitor offers and bundles, analyzing value meals and making suggestions for competitive offers.

First, our data experts help compile, cleanse, homogenize and organize your own data. Then you can benchmark the prices of all your menu items and offers at each restaurant location against local competitors, on first and third party delivery channels, for all your locations. Stay on top of critical changes in local market conditions through customizable proactive intelligent alerts.

  • Hyper-local intelligence on competitors within a specified mile radius, for both 1st and 3rd party delivery channels
  • Unlimited menu items 
  • Customizable amount of marketplaces and competitors
  • Include regional competitors (not just national brands)
  • AI analysis of competitor bundles, value meals and offers
  • Automated menu mapping for like-for-like comparisons
  • Smart offer suggestions
  • Intuitive dashboard to visualize data
  • Individual store, regional manager, and corporate level access
  • High frequency reporting
  • and more...
Contact us today to customize your solution.
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Restaurant Units
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Unique Menu Items


Is Compete really free?

Yes. Compete is a completely free solution. JUICER has built this solution as a thank you and a way to give back to the restaurant industry.  It is our intention to provide this solution for free as long as we can, but we reserve the right to charge a nominal fee to cover the cost in the event that offering a free solution is no longer feasible.

What's the difference between Compete and Compete Enterprise?

Compete is a free solution for the restaurant industry that compares menu prices on 3rd party marketplaces. Compete Enterprise is for larger organizations that compares 1st party menu prices on restaurant websites.  It includes cleanup and mapping of data, analysis of value meals and bundles, and a customizable dashboard with alerts at a corporate, regional and store level.

Am I going to get a notification every time someone changes a price?

Alerts can be configured to notify you based on your own criteria. For example, set an alert to be notified when a competitor's menu item increases or decreases by more than $1.

I'm signing up for Compete and my competitor isn't listed. What should I do?

Compete compares menu prices in Uber Eats and GrubHub. If your competitor does not work with those channels, you will not be able to compare menu prices with them.